Friday 10 August 2012

France at a Glance

Hi there!

As I mentioned in my first blog, Eric and I have just got back from a holiday in France with some friends. It was a beautiful week so I thought I'd share some of the best bits with you. Enjoy :)

  1. Eric and I escaped to a bird show.
  2. Tom & Emily.
  3. Eric's paella - my favourite.
  4. Surrounded by fields and fields of sunflowers!
  5. Pool by night.
  6. Worst boy band ever.
  7. Pirate adventures.
  8. St Savin - the beautiful village we stayed at.
  9. Eric and I.
  10. Boys will be boys.
  11. Chauvigny - A medieval town near by.
  12. Flying a kite.
  13. Strongest tequila cocktail - ever!
  14. Eating like kings.
  15. We took a visit to a vin yard - amazing! Domain Villemont.
  16. Monopoly - I lost.
  17. Morning flowers
  18. Failed attempt at a group photo on self timer.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Decorative Bunting!

Hi there!
I'm back today with my very first home made crafty creation thanks to my sewing machine. Today was the day I had originally set out to spend preparing for the next year of uni but once again procrastination won... it was even a sunny day outside but for some reason, I decided to sit inside sewing.

Never the less, I am extremely pleased with the outcome.

I used was a couple of pairs of old pyjamas for the flag material, and a white pillow case to create my own bias binding tape... and voilĂ !  Surprisingly, once I mastered a straight line seam stitch it was pretty easy work & took around an hour to do from start to finish.

I'm not quite sure where I'm actually going to hang the bunting yet but I'll find a use for it once I move at the end of the month and if not, it will always come in handy for a party :) 


Wednesday 8 August 2012

Birthday Blogging

Hi there!

Just in case you haven't glanced upon my 'about me' I thought a little info on myself and the contents of my blog to follow would be a good place to start.

My names Beth and I'm currently a full time nursing student. But believe it or not, this blog will have nothing to do with nursing. I going to use it more along the lines of an escape from every day life to talk about bitz and bobz - literally. I have no real aim for it other than to blog about things I enjoy. It'll also be useful to share with others what I've been up to in my spare time while I'm not lost in dissertation world.


As some of you might know (those being friends that I've sent this blog too) it was my birthday not so long ago. That being the day I decided to start blogging and recieved a present that will very much orientate my blog... 

TA-DA... my very first sewing machine! Something I've been waiting for for so long and now I cant wait to get stuck in to making something nice to share with you along the way!


I spent the afternoon of my birthday baking (seeing as my family & boyfriend were all at work). This being another new hobbie that I believe will make good blogging material. I don't think it was a bad first attempt really but you might disagree. I know theres some areas that need a little work ;) but overall it tasted good and looked fairly impressive too. 

Since starting this I have vowed to devote my Sunday afternoons baking from now on, at least that way i'll get some decent practise :)

Anyway, that's pretty much all I have to share at the moment. Eric & I have just got back from spending a week in France with some friends so hopefully I'll post a little something related to that next.
