Friday 10 August 2012

France at a Glance

Hi there!

As I mentioned in my first blog, Eric and I have just got back from a holiday in France with some friends. It was a beautiful week so I thought I'd share some of the best bits with you. Enjoy :)

  1. Eric and I escaped to a bird show.
  2. Tom & Emily.
  3. Eric's paella - my favourite.
  4. Surrounded by fields and fields of sunflowers!
  5. Pool by night.
  6. Worst boy band ever.
  7. Pirate adventures.
  8. St Savin - the beautiful village we stayed at.
  9. Eric and I.
  10. Boys will be boys.
  11. Chauvigny - A medieval town near by.
  12. Flying a kite.
  13. Strongest tequila cocktail - ever!
  14. Eating like kings.
  15. We took a visit to a vin yard - amazing! Domain Villemont.
  16. Monopoly - I lost.
  17. Morning flowers
  18. Failed attempt at a group photo on self timer.

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